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Playground Selection Survey

Boultbee Community Park will be getting a new playground this fall. Please help decide what it will look like by voting on your preferred playground design. You will be able to vote for up to three playground designs. The design with the most votes will be built. This survey will remain open until August 9, 2024. 

Images of the playground designs are shown below in the survey. Larger format images are also available for review here. Please note that the colours shown in the playground images are for example only and are subject to change.

If you have any questions about the Boultbee Community Park playground project, please submit through the Q & A tab on this page. 

Thank you!

Your participation in this engagement survey is voluntary. If you decide to participate in this survey, you may withdraw at any time.

The personal information you provide is collected by the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) under sections 26(c) and 26(e) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) for the purposes of engaging and consulting with the public. The RDN is using a Bang the Table engagement platform that stores the information in Canada. However, Bang the Table staff are located in the US and may access your user profile information to provide assistance at your request. 

If you have any questions about the collection of your personal information, please contact Jordan Vander Klok at or by calling 250-248-4744 x3669.