Dashwood Fire Hall Cost Update
Phase three of the six phase project is now complete. Phase three consists of the design development drawings including a Class B estimate. The Class B estimate costs total $4,956,506 approximately $979,000 over the previous February 2019 estimate. The $979,000 is generally the cost escalation that has occurred since 2019. The Class B estimate recommends that in addition to the $979,000, that a budget allocation be included for the consultant fees, third party costs and contingencies for future escalation, project contingency and construction contingency for unforeseen items that may arise. The project budget is recommended to increase to $6,462,662. The RDN Board of Directors endorsed a recommendation to increase the budget, draft bylaw amendments and elector approval documents for consideration by the Board, and allocate funds to undertake a secondary elector approval process.
The bylaws and associated elector approval documents are anticipated to be brought back to the Board in February 2022 for consideration.