Adoption of Southern Community Bylaw; Third Reading of Northern Community Bylaw
The BC Inspector of Municipalities approved the proposed changes to the Southern Community Sewer Service Area Development Cost Charges (DCC) bylaw in October 2022 and the bylaw was adopted by the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) Board December 6, 2022 (agenda(External link) and minutes(External link)). The new consolidated bylaw will be posted on the RDN website once it is available.
A grant was recently received through the CleanBC Communities Fund for the upcoming upgrade at the French Creek Pollution Control Centre. This grant decreased the amount of DCCs required for the Northern Community Sewer Service Area and the DCC rates in the proposed bylaw amendment were revised accordingly. The bylaw amendment went to third reading and was approved by the RDN Board December 6, 2022. The draft bylaw was sent to the BC Inspector of Municipalities December 22, 2022 for review and consent. The RDN Board will adopt the amended bylaw once consent has been received.
Consultation has concluded