Englishman River Regional Park Riparian Area Improvements

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Welcome to the Englishman River Regional Park Riparian Area Improvements Get Involved RDN project page. In 2023 the RDN conducted Englishman River Regional Park Riparian Trail Assessment to determine how the trails in the park affect flood risk, bank erosion, and riparian habitat. The assessment report recommended several projects to be implemented over the next five years. These include habitat restoration, trail and river access point closures and trail re-alignments.

This page will be updated as the projects progress.

Welcome to the Englishman River Regional Park Riparian Area Improvements Get Involved RDN project page. In 2023 the RDN conducted Englishman River Regional Park Riparian Trail Assessment to determine how the trails in the park affect flood risk, bank erosion, and riparian habitat. The assessment report recommended several projects to be implemented over the next five years. These include habitat restoration, trail and river access point closures and trail re-alignments.

This page will be updated as the projects progress.

  • Trail Changes

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    From 2024 to 2027, some trails within 30 metres of Englishman River and the C.W. Young Side Channel will be closed or rerouted. Closed trails will be naturalized by placing woody debris, planting native trees and shrubs, building split rail fencing and installing signage. Refer to the map below to see which trails will be affected.

    Why are these changes happening?

    The lands within the park are owned by the Province, Nature Trust of BC, Ducks Unlimited Canada and the Nature Conservancy of Canada. These land owners require the park to be managed to achieve environmental conservation goals, including protecting and restoring sensitive habitat along the river and C.W. Young Side Channel.

    In May 2023, the RDN Board passed a motion to implement riparian area improvements that will involve closing or rerouting some trails within the park. The changes to trails are based on a study conducted by an external environmental consultant and aim to better balance recreational activities with the protection of sensitive environmental features.

  • C.W. Young Side Channel Restoration

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    Image credit: Polina Iudina

    Damaged riparian area on January 31, 2022,
    before the restoration project began

    Restored riparian area in summer 2023

    The C.W. Young Side Channel, located in Englishman River Regional Park, was built in 1990 and lengthened in 2007 to create a spawning and rearing habitat for coho salmon. Today the channel supports steelhead and cutthroat trout, produces 40 per cent of the Englishman River’s coho salmon and also sees significant numbers of Pink, Chinook and Chum Salmon.

    In spring 2023, riparian protection and restoration began on the lower 200 metres of the C.W. Young Side Channel. This included fencing, re-planting, decommissioning of unsanctioned trails, placing woody debris habitat and installing information signage to protect the riparian area. This work will benefit juvenile coho and trout who spend one and a half to three years growing in freshwater before migrating to their marine environment.

    How can you help the salmon at Englishman River?

    Please stay on the trail and keep your dogs out of the water to help the recovery of the riparian area. Your efforts to help Englishman River salmon and trout are critical to improving watershed health. Check out the efforts of our project partners to see how you can help maintain and restore riparian areas and support healthier salmon populations.

    Project Partners:

    Help protect wildlife

    Please stay on the designated trails.
    Keep your dogs under control and out of the side channel and restoration plantings.

    How can I get involved and learn more?

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Page last updated: 01 Mar 2024, 11:29 AM