VIU Odour Monitoring Preliminary Results
Preliminary monitoring results indicate that some odour controls at the existing plant are working effectively and others require maintenance:
- The existing biofilter is effectively reducing odours
- The chemical scrubber requires maintenance
- The biological scrubber also requires maintenance.
Improvements underway now:
- FCPCC operators are currently troubleshooting repairs on the chemical scrubbers. FCPCC operators will focus on the biological scrubbers next.
- We are testing a charcoal filter on the septage receiving station. VIU will sample this in the upcoming months to assess its effectiveness.
Additionally, these odour control upgrades are being incorporated into the project design:
- The odour upgrades will aim to minimize or eliminate nuisance odours so they are not detectable outside of the property boundary:
- Existing biofilter media will be upgraded to treat foul air from the expansion
- A new biofilter will be added to treat foul air from the trickling filter
- Trickling filter window and roof seals will be improved.
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