Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre Secondary Treatment Upgrade - Preliminary Design
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Consultation has concluded
Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre (NBPCC) treats wastewater from about 1,700 people and businesses in the Fairwinds area of Nanoose Bay. NBPCC currently provides chemically-enhanced primary treatment. We will provide secondary treatment at Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre by 2040. With the additional time, we can prioritize critical sewer upgrades in the same service area.
Wastewater terminology
Primary Treatment uses settling tanks and gravity to treat wastewater.
Secondary treatment adds beneficial micro-organisms to consume organic matter in the wastewater left after primary treatment and produces a higher quality effluent.
How you can get involved
To stay informed of project updates, please register by clicking the "subscribe" tab. By registering you will be kept up-to-date with progress on this project through our electronic communication. You can also review the highlights below for latest information.
Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre (NBPCC) treats wastewater from about 1,700 people and businesses in the Fairwinds area of Nanoose Bay. NBPCC currently provides chemically-enhanced primary treatment. We will provide secondary treatment at Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre by 2040. With the additional time, we can prioritize critical sewer upgrades in the same service area.
Wastewater terminology
Primary Treatment uses settling tanks and gravity to treat wastewater.
Secondary treatment adds beneficial micro-organisms to consume organic matter in the wastewater left after primary treatment and produces a higher quality effluent.
How you can get involved
To stay informed of project updates, please register by clicking the "subscribe" tab. By registering you will be kept up-to-date with progress on this project through our electronic communication. You can also review the highlights below for latest information.
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15 Dec 2023
In December 2023, the RDN sent the Liquid Waste Management Plan Amendment to the Minister of Environment and Climate Change Strategy for approval. An approved LWMP Amendment will commit us to providing secondary treatment at Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre by 2040. With the additional time, we can prioritize critical sewer upgrades in the same service area.
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05 Apr 2022
At the RDN Regular Board Meeting on February 22, 2022,(External link) the RDN Board passed Motion 22-124 to seek an LWMP Amendment to change the timeline for the secondary treatment upgrade to prioritize critical sewer upgrades in the same service area.
More information on the critical sewer upgrades can be found here.
More information on the LWMP Amendment can be found here.
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10 Aug 2021
At the RDN Regular Board Meeting on December 8, 2020(External link), the RDN Board awarded the contract for preliminary design for the NBPCC Secondary Treatment Upgrade to WSP Canada Inc. for $248,560 (Motion 20-452). The Board also approved a management reserve of $49,712 (Motion 20-453) to accommodate additional expenses that may be incurred during the Preliminary Design Phase.
Upon the successful completion of the preliminary design and satisfactory performance of WSP, the RDN may award WSP with the contracts for detailed design (Motion 20-454) and construction engineering services (Motion 20-455).
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21 Oct 2020
On September 29, 2020, the RDN issued a Request for Proposals for Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre Secondary Treatment Upgrade Design Services.
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07 Apr 2020
As a result of the response to COVID-19, several engineering firms have temporarily suspended all travel and site visits. As a result, the tender for engineering services is on hold and the process will resume once the availability of services becomes more certain. This may impact the RDN's ability to meet the LWMP commitment to provide secondary treatment by 2023.
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Process Selection
Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre Secondary Treatment Upgrade - Preliminary Design has finished this stage
Tendering of Engineering Design
Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre Secondary Treatment Upgrade - Preliminary Design has finished this stage
Preliminary Design
Nanoose Bay Pollution Control Centre Secondary Treatment Upgrade - Preliminary Design is currently at this stage