Public Hearing to be Held December 7, 2021
A Public Hearing will be held for Development Application No. PL2021-005 in the RDN Board Chambers and virtually at 6:00 pm on December 7, 2021. Please check the project webpage at a later date for additional information on how to register virtually or attend in-person.
To access the live video feed:
- go to:
- go to December 7, 2021 on the online calendar
- click on Public Hearing PL2021-005
- click on the video link to watch and listen to the hearing
To be heard at the hearing:
If you wish to speak, dial in by telephone with the following number and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode provided below when prompted:
Phone Number: 1-778-907-2071 |
Meeting ID: 622 2471 8020 |
Passcode: 331660 |
Instructions: You will be in a waiting room until it is your time to speak |
Anyone unable to attend electronically may do so in person at the RDN Administration Building at 6300 Hammond Bay Road in Nanaimo.