Public Hearing to be Held December 7, 2021

08 Nov 2021

A Public Hearing will be held for Development Application No. PL2021-005 in the RDN Board Chambers and virtually at 6:00 pm on December 7, 2021. Please check the project webpage at a later date for additional information on how to register virtually or attend in-person.

To access the live video feed:

To be heard at the hearing:

If you wish to speak, dial in by telephone with the following number and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode provided below when prompted:

Phone Number: 1-778-907-2071

Meeting ID: 622 2471 8020

Passcode: 331660

Instructions: You will be in a waiting room until it is your time to speak

Anyone unable to attend electronically may do so in person at the RDN Administration Building at 6300 Hammond Bay Road in Nanaimo.

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