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Lot 1, Redden Road - Electoral Area E
The RDN has received a zoning amendment application for parcel at Lot 1, Redden Roadin Electoral Area E. The applicant proposes to amend Draft Zoning Bylaw 2500, by rezoning the subject property from Residential 7 (RS7) – Multiple Dwelling Unit Development use, Subdivision District ‘P’ to Residential 2.2 sub-zone (RS2.2), Subdivision District ‘P’ to facilitate a 4-lot subdivision where each lot may contain up to four dwelling units.
Please open the Document Library on the right of this page to see the zoning excerpts from the land use and subdivision Bylaw No. 2500
This is in your community and we want to hear your thoughts on this proposal. A few ways you can learn more and share your thoughts are:
Provide your input by participating in the questionnaire by clicking the Application Input tab below
Be sure to register to provide your comments
Check out our Document Library which includes the proposed Plan of Subdivision site plan and supporting information
Check the status of the application and next steps under our Process
Send us your questions and we will provide an answer for all to see in the Q&A tab
Through project updates that we will share under the What's New tab as the project moves forward
Connect with our team by email or phone. See our contact info in Who's Listening
Lot 1, Redden Road - Electoral Area E
The RDN has received a zoning amendment application for parcel at Lot 1, Redden Roadin Electoral Area E. The applicant proposes to amend Draft Zoning Bylaw 2500, by rezoning the subject property from Residential 7 (RS7) – Multiple Dwelling Unit Development use, Subdivision District ‘P’ to Residential 2.2 sub-zone (RS2.2), Subdivision District ‘P’ to facilitate a 4-lot subdivision where each lot may contain up to four dwelling units.
Please open the Document Library on the right of this page to see the zoning excerpts from the land use and subdivision Bylaw No. 2500
This is in your community and we want to hear your thoughts on this proposal. A few ways you can learn more and share your thoughts are:
Provide your input by participating in the questionnaire by clicking the Application Input tab below
Be sure to register to provide your comments
Check out our Document Library which includes the proposed Plan of Subdivision site plan and supporting information
Check the status of the application and next steps under our Process
Send us your questions and we will provide an answer for all to see in the Q&A tab
Through project updates that we will share under the What's New tab as the project moves forward
Connect with our team by email or phone. See our contact info in Who's Listening
Share The RDN is seeking input on Zoning Amendment PL2023-069 on FacebookShare The RDN is seeking input on Zoning Amendment PL2023-069 on TwitterShare The RDN is seeking input on Zoning Amendment PL2023-069 on LinkedinEmail The RDN is seeking input on Zoning Amendment PL2023-069 link
The public is invited to provide feedback and ask questions online. The deadline for public feedback is 4:30 p.m. on November 17, 2023.
Development Application No. PL2023-069 is currently at this stage
This application has been received and we are inviting public comments and contributions until 4:30 p.m. February 14, 2025
Under Review
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2023-069
The project team will analyze the public input and prepare a report to the Electoral Area Services Committee and Regional Board.
Request to Not Hold a Public Hearing and Notify of 1st Reading
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2023-069
In accordance with Section 464 (2) of the Local Government Act, the Board may choose to not hold a public hearing if the proposed bylaw is consistent with the Official Community Plan for the area.
1st Reading
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2023-069
This is the report to the Board for consideration of 1st Reading. The applicants submissions are summarized to ensure all RDN policies and regulations are being meet.
The final outcomes of the consultation are documented here in this report as well. This includes a summary of all contributions collected as well as recommendations for future action.
Completion of Conditions of Approval
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2023-069
At this stage, the applicant must compete any outstanding conditions that must be meet prior to the consideration of adoption.
Board Consideration of Adoption
this is an upcoming stage for Development Application No. PL2023-069
Once the conditions of approval have been satisfied, the Board may consider the amendment bylaw for adoption.