FireSmart Back to Basics
What is FireSmart?
Whether you’re a homeowner, tenant, or a community leader, FireSmart is your go-to source when preparing for wildfire season. FireSmart is all about learning how to protect our homes and communities from the very real threat of wildfire.
From simple tips for homeowners looking to protect their property to tried-and-tested community programs led by local experts, everything you need to protect and prepare your home, neighbourhood, or municipality during wildfire season can be found right here.
What is the Home Ignition Zone?
The HIZ has a new look!
New research and post-wildfire studies have prompted FireSmart Canada to update its HIZ to better help residents reduce risk to their homes and properties. This version emphasizes the importance of reducing or removing the potential of structure ignition from an approaching wildland fire in the Immediate Zone, the most vulnerable area.
Another notable difference in the new HIZ, is the removal of Zone 3 (30-100m). As radiant heat is unlikely to ignite a structure at 30m and beyond, the HIZ focuses on reducing the opportunity for the spread of flames, and removal of points where embers can gather and ignite objects or buildings.
The HIZ image appears in several places on our website and in other materials. Making the required updates will likely take some time. We ask that you bear with us during this process.
What is the Wildland Urban Interface?
The Wildland Urban Interface, or the "WUI" is the zone where human made structures and other developments meet and intermingle with undeveloped wildland or vegetative fuels. In wildfire resiliency, we talk a lot about the WUI, because homes and structures in this zone are at the greatest risk of being affected by a wildfire. Check out this link(External link) to learn more about WUI Fires, and how to find out if you live in the WUI.
Below this photo demonstrated the different kind of WUI communities and neighborhoods may have. A clearly defined interface from residential homes or a interface that extends through the community.
Easy tips to FireSmart your home!
Taking action to FireSmart your property will dramatically decrease the risk of wildfire damaging your home. See the following poster for simple tips on how to FireSmart your property. link)
The following link provides the 3 levels of financial commitment to FireSmart your home. Remember FireSmart is a marathon not a sprint, everything you do can make a difference. Start small and when things need to be replaced, replace them with FireSmart materials, like siding or roofing materials.
What is a FireSmart Home Ignition Zone Assessment?
The Home Ignition Zone Assessment is a form that residents can complete themselves or have Local FireSmart Representatives complete. This form is an assessment of your homes risk to the effects of a wildfire. The assessment takes into consideration each Home Ignition Zone and what materials and vegetation exist in each zone. This type of assessment can give residents a great idea of what they can work on to improve their overall risk score.
Watch below as Larry Watkinson (City of Penticton Fire Chief) gives an overview of what this assessment includes and what he is looking for when he completes the assessments.