That’s a Wrap on 2023

2023 was another successful year for the Wetlands Mapping & Monitoring Project.

Thank you to all the volunteers who help to make this work possible! Over the past year we visited each of the six priority sites in April, July, October, and January, with support from stewardship groups, community members, and students from Vancouver Island University. Working with these volunteers not only leveraged the MABRRI team’s capacity to conduct our seasonal wetland surveys, but also provided some meaningful education and engagement opportunities.

During seasonal site visits, our team has continued to capture data that is actively contributing to long-term data collection. Building a dataset over multiple years allow us to identify seasonal variations in our wetlands over time, including hydrology, water quality, and dominant vegetation present. Check out the 2023 Summary Report in the document library for more details. The MABRRI team looks forward to our continued partnership with volunteers and to collaborating on monitoring these priority wetland sites throughout 2024!

This coming year brings exciting times, as we will begin to conduct a large-scale analysis on the data that we have collected from our six priority sites over the past four years. We look forward to the results of this analysis, and hope to identify trends in water movement, hydrology, and the unique characteristics of these diverse wetlands. The analysis of this data aims to provide insight into the possible connection between surface and groundwater in the regions surrounding these wetlands.

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