Round 2 Engagement Summary

30 May 2022
Thank you to the Area F Community! The Engagement Summary for Round 2 of the Official Community Plan Update project is now available. In February and March of 2022, approximately 193 residents provided feedback and/or attended an event. Since the re-start of the project in February 2022 more than 900 residents and stakeholders visited the project website, reviewed materials, and viewed the project video.

The report includes a brief summary of input for a quick read as well as a detailed summary. All raw comments are included in Part 2 of the report. What was heard from the community in Round 2 will be used to guide the Draft OCP. Once the Draft OCP is complete, it will be made available to community members for review and comment as part of the third round of engagement.

Stay tuned for news about the Draft OCP and upcoming engagement for the project.
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