Electoral Area F Official Community Plan Update

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Electoral Area F Official Community Plan Update

The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is updating the Electoral Area F Official Community Plan (OCP). Electoral Area F includes the communities of Coombs, Hilliers, Errington, Meadowood and Whiskey Creek and the surrounding rural areas.

The first Electoral Area F OCP was adopted in 1999, and new Census Canada Data shows that as of 2021, the population has grown over 50% to approximately 8,200 people. Much of the OCP remains relevant today, and this project was initiated in 2019 to address emerging challenges and update sections of the OCP that have become dated.

Draft Electoral Area F Official Community Plan

After completing Round 1 and Round 2 of community engagement, the RDN is pleased to announce the Draft Electoral Area F Official Community Plan (Draft OCP) is ready for community review as part of Round 3 of engagement.

We look forward to hearing from you as we work towards a plan that reflects your vision for the community!

How can I get involved and learn more?

Electoral Area F Official Community Plan Update

The Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) is updating the Electoral Area F Official Community Plan (OCP). Electoral Area F includes the communities of Coombs, Hilliers, Errington, Meadowood and Whiskey Creek and the surrounding rural areas.

The first Electoral Area F OCP was adopted in 1999, and new Census Canada Data shows that as of 2021, the population has grown over 50% to approximately 8,200 people. Much of the OCP remains relevant today, and this project was initiated in 2019 to address emerging challenges and update sections of the OCP that have become dated.

Draft Electoral Area F Official Community Plan

After completing Round 1 and Round 2 of community engagement, the RDN is pleased to announce the Draft Electoral Area F Official Community Plan (Draft OCP) is ready for community review as part of Round 3 of engagement.

We look forward to hearing from you as we work towards a plan that reflects your vision for the community!

How can I get involved and learn more?

  • Next Steps in 2025

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    06 Nov 2024

    Thank you to everyone who participated in the Electoral Area F OCP review. The project will continue in 2025 with the next step provided in the near future. Please check back in when updates are available or subscribe under 'Stay Informed'.

  • Round 3 of Engagement

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    17 Oct 2023

    Thank you to everyone who participated in Round 3 of engagement for the Electoral Area F Official Community Plan (OCP) Update. All community feedback received will be included in the Round 3 Engagement Summary which will be presented to the Regional District of Nanaimo Board and released on the project webpage. All community feedback received throughout the duration of the project will be analyzed and used to help inform and finalize the OCP. Stay tuned for more information and opportunities to get involved in the coming weeks!

  • Round 3 of Engagement Extended!

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    27 Sep 2023

    Based on feedback received during our community meetings this week, we've extended Round 3 of engagement until October 6, 2023. We hope this provides residents enough time to submit your feedback and have your voice heard!

    How can I get involved and learn more?

    We look forward to working with the community as we finalize the Draft OCP!

  • Round 3 of Engagement Extended!

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    15 Sep 2023

    Based on feedback received during our community meetings this week, we've extended Round 3 of engagement until September 29, 2023. We hope this provides residents enough time to submit your feedback and have your voice heard!

    How can I get involved and learn more?

    We look forward to working with the community as we finalize the Draft OCP!

  • Upcoming Community Meetings Announced!

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    17 Aug 2023

    We are excited to announce the dates, times and locations of our upcoming in-person community meetings! Please join the project team and Electoral Area F Director Leanne Salter at our upcoming community meetings to learn more about the draft OCP and provide your feedback!

    Monday, September 11, 2023

    Meadowood Community Centre

    1830 Galvin Place

    Time: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

    Thursday, September 14, 2023

    The Bradley Centre

    975 Shearme Road

    Time: 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

    The community meetings are an opportunity for residents to review project materials, ask questions, have one-on-one conversations with the project team and Area Director and submit feedback. The feedback gathered from these meetings and throughout Round 3 of engagement will be used to help refine and finalize the OCP.

    We look forward to hearing from you as we work towards a final plan that reflects your vision for the community!

  • Draft Electoral Area F Official Community Plan

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    26 Jun 2023

    The Draft Electoral Area F Official Community Plan (Draft OCP) is ready for community review and we are pleased to announce Round 3 of community engagement is now underway. Round 3 involves gathering feedback and discussing the Draft OCP, which reflects Round 2 input, to refine and finalize the content. Electoral Area F residents can provide their feedback and learn how the Draft OCP will guide growth and reflect community values in Area F by:

    • reviewing the Draft OCP and completing the survey between June 27 and September 15;
    • attending two in-person community meetings in September;
    • Joining Leanne Salter, Director, Electoral Area F to discuss the draft OCP and provide your feedback at our project office hours happening every Monday from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. until August 28 (except for the August 7 statutory holiday) at the RDN Parks office located at 1490 Springhill Road; or
    • visiting the project webpage to review project material and submitting questions and comments.

    The September in-person community meetings will provide residents the opportunity to review project materials, ask questions, have one-on-one conversations with Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) staff and submit feedback. The RDN will share the meeting dates, times and location once confirmed.

    We look forward to hearing from the community as we work together to finalize the OCP!

  • Final Engagement Summary and Recommendations

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    20 Jun 2022

    The Final Engagement Summary containing recommendations on how the OCP could be updated is now available for community review. This final report has been developed based on community feedback shared through both rounds of engagement implemented in Phase 2 of the OCP Update.

    The Electoral Area F OCP will be updated based on feedback shared by community members through both rounds of engagement in Phase 2: Engage of the OCP Update process, as well as technical studies and best practices. The updated draft OCP will be shared with Area F community members for review and comment in Round 3 of engagement as part of Phase 3: Draft OCP. Phase 4: Adoption will take place once Round 3 of engagement has concluded and the Draft OCP has been updated and finalized. This final phase includes the legislated bylaw adoption process including a public hearing.

    Stay tuned for more information on the draft OCP and Round 3 of Engagement coming this fall!

  • Round 2 Engagement Summary

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    30 May 2022
    Thank you to the Area F Community! The Engagement Summary for Round 2 of the Official Community Plan Update project is now available. In February and March of 2022, approximately 193 residents provided feedback and/or attended an event. Since the re-start of the project in February 2022 more than 900 residents and stakeholders visited the project website, reviewed materials, and viewed the project video.

    The report includes a brief summary of input for a quick read as well as a detailed summary. All raw comments are included in Part 2 of the report. What was heard from the community in Round 2 will be used to guide the Draft OCP. Once the Draft OCP is complete, it will be made available to community members for review and comment as part of the third round of engagement.

    Stay tuned for news about the Draft OCP and upcoming engagement for the project.
  • Round 2 of Engagement

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    04 Apr 2022

    Thank you to everyone who participated in Round 2 of engagement for the Electoral Area F Official Community Plan (OCP) Update. All public input and submissions received by March 31, 2022, will be included in the Round 2 Engagement Summary and the Final Engagement Summary (Rounds 1 and 2) that will be released on the project webpage in the coming weeks. All of the community input received to date will be analyzed and used to help inform and guide policy directions in the Draft OCP. Phase 3 of the project includes the drafting of the OCP and subsequent engagement opportunities for the public to review and comment on the draft. Stay tuned for more information in the coming weeks!

  • Virtual Town Hall Meetings

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    supporting image

    Upcoming Virtual Town Hall Meetings:

    Virtual Town Hall Meetings will be hosted over Zoom, and the access links/phone numbers for each session have been provided below.

    For ease of participation, the Virtual Town Halls have been organized by theme areas.

    • The Kick-Off Town Hall will be a refresh and review of work completed to date.

    • The following 6 Town Halls are organized by OCP Theme Area to focus our conversations. Each Theme Area will have 2 Town Halls.

    • Finally, we’ll wrap up this round of engagement with a Final Town Hall to provide an overview of what will happen next.

    You’re welcome to attend as many of the Town Halls that you’re interested in. Town Halls will commence at the time indicated below and will not necessarily run the entire designated 2 hours. It is recommended to join the meeting at the identified start time as meetings may come to a natural conclusion and end early if there are no further comments or feedback from community members in attendance.

    To participate in a Zoom meeting electronically, please click the associated link below and enter the Meeting ID and Passcode. To participate by telephone, please dial the telephone number and enter the Meeting ID for the Town Hall you wish to attend.

    If you have any questions about Zoom or how to access the Virtual Town Halls, please email areafocp@rdn.bc.ca(External link), or book an appointment with a member of our project team by calling: 250-390-6761 or toll free: 1-877-607-4111.

    Thursday, February 24, 2022

    Kick-Off Town Hall

    Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81838083457?pwd=MjFqVGwrc0crSzhnazJqVUgySDdiZz09(External link)

    Meeting ID: 818 3808 3457

    Passcode: 253762

    Join meeting by telephone:

    +1 778 907 2071 Canada

    Meeting ID: 818 3808 3457

    Monday, March 7, 2022

    Character Town Hall #2

    Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87981701621?pwd=c0l4MFVFL3c3NGNlaE9Qb3VJS0FZZz09(External link)

    Meeting ID: 879 8170 1621

    Passcode: 543265

    Join meeting by telephone:

    +1 778 907 2071 Canada

    Meeting ID: 879 8170 1621

    Wednesday, March 2, 2022

    Growth Town Hall #1

    Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86421314086?pwd=aXUxeWtpZndIYkkrQzkxellYNldwZz09(External link)

    Meeting ID: 864 2131 4086

    Passcode: 417763

    Join meeting by telephone:

    +1 778 907 2071 Canada

    Meeting ID: 864 2131 4086

    Tuesday, March 8, 2022

    Resilience Town Hall #1

    Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82612376641?pwd=bDBsQUVvUm5UdjFYZUNMRVMyTnJ2dz09(External link)

    Meeting ID: 826 1237 6641

    Passcode: 687950

    Join meeting by telephone:

    +1 778 907 2071 Canada

    Meeting ID: 826 1237 6641

    Thursday, March 3, 2022

    Growth Town Hall #2

    Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81520074021?pwd=ZkdwNkxUdXBiMDlMdHM4dHlTaXMyUT09(External link)

    Meeting ID: 815 2007 4021

    Passcode: 942489

    Join meeting by telephone:

    +1 778 907 2071 Canada

    Meeting ID: 815 2007 4021

    Sunday, March 13, 2022

    Resilience Town Hall #2

    Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86753202307?pwd=SUpKdXF0bFpBZVpSUTRPUDh3Y3QzUT09(External link)

    Meeting ID: 867 5320 2307

    Passcode: 391821

    Join meeting by telephone:

    +1 778 907 2071 Canada

    Meeting ID: 867 5320 2307

    Saturday, March 5, 2022

    Character Town Hall #1

    Time: 1:00 to 3:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82340986724?pwd=SXdyVmVzeEZOTHk4N0xTT3JxT05PZz09(External link)

    Meeting ID: 823 4098 6724

    Passcode: 104647

    Join meeting by telephone:

    +1 778 907 2071 Canada

    Meeting ID: 823 4098 6724

    Wednesday, March 16, 2022

    Final Town Hall

    Time: 6:00 to 8:00 pm

    Join Zoom Meeting:

    https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81065799325?pwd=Z0RPUlREL21oaHdrV2h6NXNlVVBuUT09(External link)

    Meeting ID: 810 6579 9325

    Passcode: 092960

    Join meeting by telephone:

    +1 778 907 2071 Canada

    Meeting ID: 810 6579 9325

    You need to be signed in to add your comment.

Page last updated: 06 Nov 2024, 09:02 AM