Round 3 of Engagement Extended!
Based on feedback received during our community meetings this week, we've extended Round 3 of engagement until October 6, 2023. We hope this provides residents enough time to submit your feedback and have your voice heard!
How can I get involved and learn more?
- Subscribe to this page (top right of the main page) to receive email notification of news and updates
- Review the Draft OCP and fill out the survey and/or leave general project comments
- Learn about development permit areas and review the proposed draft development permit area exemptions and guidelines
- Review the Community Resources and visit the document library to learn more about the project and related initiatives
- Watch both project videos to learn more about what an OCP is and a summary of the project and engagement to date
- Read the Round 1, Round 2 and the Final Engagement Summary to see what has happened so far
- Share your questions and we will provide an answer
- Contact the project team directly at: link)
We look forward to working with the community as we finalize the Draft OCP!
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