Bylaw 2500 Receives Second Reading

The Board granted second reading and approved additional amendments to Bylaw 2500 at its regular meeting held on September 24, 2024. The amendments can be summarized as follows:

  1. To not require heat pumps to meet the minimum setback requirements
  2. To remove the prohibition on the creation of rural building stratas.
  3. To add the use 'Resort Vehicle Park' back into Bylaw 2500.
  4. To update definitions to ensure that all permitted and accessory uses are defined.
  5. To permit shipping containers based on zone and parcel size and to limit shipping containers based on maximum shipping container floor area.
  6. To increase the maximum floor area for both attached and detached secondary suites from 49% of the floor area of the principal dwelling unit it is associated with to a maximum of 90 m2 to 100 m2 with no requirement related to the size of the principle dwelling unit it is associated with.

In addition to amendments to Bylaw 2500, the Board passed a number of related motions which are summarized as follows:

  • To suspend bylaw enforcement for length of stay of existing recreational vehicles located in Campgrounds, Resort Vehicle Parks and Recreational Vehicle Parks until completion of Phase 2 of the Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project.
  • To review length of stay in a recreational vehicle during Phase 2 of the Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project.
  • To undertake future projects following adoption of Bylaw 2500 in relation to building strata following the adoption of Bylaw 2500.
  • To require that phase two of the Bylaw 500 review and update project begin as soon as possible, with a first draft presented by the end of 2025.

For more information, please refer to the staff report for second reading in the document library.

A public hearing will now be scheduled. Details of the public hearing will be shared here in the coming weeks.

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