Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project
The Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project is a targeted review and update to address known problems and to improve bylaw components that are unclear, inconsistent, or are challenging to administer or enforce. The outcome will be a new zoning bylaw with a new look and feel and a new bylaw number. Check out our FAQ section about what areas were focused on in the review.
It is proposed that draft Bylaw 2500 replace Bylaw 500. The first working version of draft Bylaw 2500 has been available for public review and comment since August 2022. Since then, the Bylaw has been updated based on community input, legal review, and further staff refinement. Please refer to the document library to review the draft bylaw and related documents.
Introducing Draft Bylaw 2500
Bylaw 2500 has a modernized look and feel and has been significantly reorganized. To review what is changing in Bylaw 2500 review the marked up version of the bylaw available in the document library and visit the FAQ section to learn more about the draft Bylaw 2500.
How can I get involved and learn more?
There are a number of ways to learn more and get involved in the project including:
- Attend the upcoming public hearing on Monday, November 4 and Thursday, November 7, 2024 - visit the document library for the public hearing notice or the events more information
- Subscribe to this page to receive notifications of news and updates by clicking on follow project
- Visit the document library and the FAQ section to learn more about the project background, public engagement results and to view the draft Bylaw 2500
- Share your question below and we will provide an answer
- Contact the project team directly at:
Want to learn more about how the proposed changes may affect your property?
Try the Proposed Zoning Map by clicking here or by clicking on the map image to the right. Once opened use your 9 digit PID number or address in the map search bar (located in the upper lefthand corner of the map) to view the current and proposed zoning excerpts that apply to your parcel. To access zoning information in the map tool, look for the (click here) link beside the zone in the blue property information bar on the right side of the map window as shown below.
The Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project is a targeted review and update to address known problems and to improve bylaw components that are unclear, inconsistent, or are challenging to administer or enforce. The outcome will be a new zoning bylaw with a new look and feel and a new bylaw number. Check out our FAQ section about what areas were focused on in the review.
It is proposed that draft Bylaw 2500 replace Bylaw 500. The first working version of draft Bylaw 2500 has been available for public review and comment since August 2022. Since then, the Bylaw has been updated based on community input, legal review, and further staff refinement. Please refer to the document library to review the draft bylaw and related documents.
Introducing Draft Bylaw 2500
Bylaw 2500 has a modernized look and feel and has been significantly reorganized. To review what is changing in Bylaw 2500 review the marked up version of the bylaw available in the document library and visit the FAQ section to learn more about the draft Bylaw 2500.
How can I get involved and learn more?
There are a number of ways to learn more and get involved in the project including:
- Attend the upcoming public hearing on Monday, November 4 and Thursday, November 7, 2024 - visit the document library for the public hearing notice or the events more information
- Subscribe to this page to receive notifications of news and updates by clicking on follow project
- Visit the document library and the FAQ section to learn more about the project background, public engagement results and to view the draft Bylaw 2500
- Share your question below and we will provide an answer
- Contact the project team directly at:
Want to learn more about how the proposed changes may affect your property?
Try the Proposed Zoning Map by clicking here or by clicking on the map image to the right. Once opened use your 9 digit PID number or address in the map search bar (located in the upper lefthand corner of the map) to view the current and proposed zoning excerpts that apply to your parcel. To access zoning information in the map tool, look for the (click here) link beside the zone in the blue property information bar on the right side of the map window as shown below.
Notice of Public Hearing
Share Notice of Public Hearing on Facebook Share Notice of Public Hearing on Twitter Share Notice of Public Hearing on Linkedin Email Notice of Public Hearing linkA public hearing regarding Regional District of Nanaimo Zoning Bylaw No. 2500, 2024 (“Bylaw 2500”) has been scheduled on Monday, November 4 and Thursday, November 7, 2024. The public hearing for Bylaw 2500 will be chaired by Director Rogers, or another Electoral Area director, as a delegate of the RDN Board. Please visit the document library for the public hearing notice.
Bylaw 2500 Receives Second Reading
Share Bylaw 2500 Receives Second Reading on Facebook Share Bylaw 2500 Receives Second Reading on Twitter Share Bylaw 2500 Receives Second Reading on Linkedin Email Bylaw 2500 Receives Second Reading linkThe Board granted second reading and approved additional amendments to Bylaw 2500 at its regular meeting held on September 24, 2024. The amendments can be summarized as follows:
- To not require heat pumps to meet the minimum setback requirements
- To remove the prohibition on the creation of rural building stratas.
- To add the use 'Resort Vehicle Park' back into Bylaw 2500.
- To update definitions to ensure that all permitted and accessory uses are defined.
- To permit shipping containers based on zone and parcel size and to limit shipping containers based on maximum shipping container floor area.
- To increase the maximum floor area for both attached and detached secondary suites from 49% of the floor area of the principal dwelling unit it is associated with to a maximum of 90 m2 to 100 m2 with no requirement related to the size of the principle dwelling unit it is associated with.
In addition to amendments to Bylaw 2500, the Board passed a number of related motions which are summarized as follows:
- To suspend bylaw enforcement for length of stay of existing recreational vehicles located in Campgrounds, Resort Vehicle Parks and Recreational Vehicle Parks until completion of Phase 2 of the Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project.
- To review length of stay in a recreational vehicle during Phase 2 of the Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project.
- To undertake future projects following adoption of Bylaw 2500 in relation to building strata following the adoption of Bylaw 2500.
- To require that phase two of the Bylaw 500 review and update project begin as soon as possible, with a first draft presented by the end of 2025.
For more information, please refer to the staff report for second reading in the document library.
A public hearing will now be scheduled. Details of the public hearing will be shared here in the coming weeks.
Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Board for Consideration of 2nd Reading
Share Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Board for Consideration of 2nd Reading on Facebook Share Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Board for Consideration of 2nd Reading on Twitter Share Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Board for Consideration of 2nd Reading on Linkedin Email Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Board for Consideration of 2nd Reading linkThe Electoral Area Services Committee passed a number of motions directing amendments to Bylaw 2500 relating to length of stay in a recreational vehicle, shipping containers, definitions, building strata, and secondary suites. Draft Bylaw 2500 has been updated and is scheduled to be considered by the Board for 2nd reading on September 24, 2024. For more information, please see the staff report and draft Bylaw available in the document library.
Should the Bylaw receive 2nd reading, a public hearing will be scheduled.
Length of Stay in a Recreational Vehicle and Rural Building Strata Not Changing.
Share Length of Stay in a Recreational Vehicle and Rural Building Strata Not Changing. on Facebook Share Length of Stay in a Recreational Vehicle and Rural Building Strata Not Changing. on Twitter Share Length of Stay in a Recreational Vehicle and Rural Building Strata Not Changing. on Linkedin Email Length of Stay in a Recreational Vehicle and Rural Building Strata Not Changing. linkThe Electoral Area Services Committee has directed staff to reinstate Resort Vehicle Park into Bylaw 2500 and to remove the proposed changes that would have prohibited the creation of additional rural building strata. These changes will be considered by the Board at its July 23rd meeting.
The above changes would maintain the status quo in Bylaw 500 with respect to these two topics.
UPDATE - Meeting Date Change
Share UPDATE - Meeting Date Change on Facebook Share UPDATE - Meeting Date Change on Twitter Share UPDATE - Meeting Date Change on Linkedin Email UPDATE - Meeting Date Change linkPlease be advised that a special Electoral Area Services Committee Meeting has been scheduled for 9:00 am on Wednesday, June 19, 2024 to consider draft Bylaw 2500 for second reading. As a result, draft Bylaw 2500 will not be considered at the June 13th Electoral Area Services Committee.
Draft Bylaw Advancing to EASC for 2nd Reading
Share Draft Bylaw Advancing to EASC for 2nd Reading on Facebook Share Draft Bylaw Advancing to EASC for 2nd Reading on Twitter Share Draft Bylaw Advancing to EASC for 2nd Reading on Linkedin Email Draft Bylaw Advancing to EASC for 2nd Reading linkDraft Bylaw 2500 has been updated based on community and stakeholder input and further staff review. The Bylaw will be presented to the Electoral Area Services Committee on Thursday, May 9th. Should second reading be supported, the bylaw will advance to the Board for consideration at its May 28th meeting.
Survey is Complete
Share Survey is Complete on Facebook Share Survey is Complete on Twitter Share Survey is Complete on Linkedin Email Survey is Complete linkThank you to all who participated in the survey. The survey has now been closed to give us time to consider the results in draft Bylaw 2500. We will report out the survey results when the Bylaw is presented to the Board for second reading.
Want to connect with us to discuss the draft bylaw?
Share Want to connect with us to discuss the draft bylaw? on Facebook Share Want to connect with us to discuss the draft bylaw? on Twitter Share Want to connect with us to discuss the draft bylaw? on Linkedin Email Want to connect with us to discuss the draft bylaw? linkWe want to ensure that the community has the opportunity to learn and ask questions about Draft Bylaw 2500 in a way that is most convenient. Residents and community groups who would like to discuss Bylaw 2500 with us may do so by requesting a meeting. We offer different options to meet including online using Zoom or Microsoft Teams, at the RDN office, or subject to availability, out in the community. To request a meeting contact us by sending an email to
Residents Invited to Provide Input on Draft Zoning Bylaw 2500
Share Residents Invited to Provide Input on Draft Zoning Bylaw 2500 on Facebook Share Residents Invited to Provide Input on Draft Zoning Bylaw 2500 on Twitter Share Residents Invited to Provide Input on Draft Zoning Bylaw 2500 on Linkedin Email Residents Invited to Provide Input on Draft Zoning Bylaw 2500 linkResidents are invited to provide input on the draft bylaw through an online survey and six in-person open houses. The feedback collected will help develop recommended changes to the draft zoning bylaw that staff will present to the RDN Board for second reading.
The open houses will be held in each of the affected Electoral Areas and an additional open house will be held at the RDN Administration Building. The same information will be provided at all the open houses so residents can choose to attend an open house at a location that is most convenient for them.
Thursday, February 1, 5-8 p.m.
Electoral Area C
Cinnabar Valley Elementary School
100 Ohio Way, NanaimoMonday, February 5, 5-8 p.m.
Electoral Area E
Nanoose Place Community Centre
2925 Northwest Bay Road, Nanoose BayThursday, February 22, 7-9 p.m.
Electoral Area H
Lighthouse Community Centre
240 Lions Way, Qualicum BayTuesday, February 27, 5-8 p.m.
Electoral Area A
Cedar Community Hall
2388 Cedar RoadMonday, March 4, 5-8 p.m.
Electoral Area G
Oceanside Place, Multi-Purpose Rom
830 Island Highway West, ParksvilleTuesday, March 5, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
RDN Administration Building
Board Chambers
6300 Hammond Bay Road, Nanaimo -
Bylaw 2500 Receives 1st Reading and Proceeds for Additional Public Input
Share Bylaw 2500 Receives 1st Reading and Proceeds for Additional Public Input on Facebook Share Bylaw 2500 Receives 1st Reading and Proceeds for Additional Public Input on Twitter Share Bylaw 2500 Receives 1st Reading and Proceeds for Additional Public Input on Linkedin Email Bylaw 2500 Receives 1st Reading and Proceeds for Additional Public Input linkThe Board, at its January 9, 2024, meeting granted 1st reading to Bylaw 2500 and approved a public engagement plan. Please refer to the Document Library to review draft Bylaw 2500 or try the zoning look up tool.
Proposed Zoning Changes Map
NEW - The zoning look up tool has been updated to show the proposed changes included in Bylaw 2500 at second reading.
Wondering how the changes proposed by Bylaw 2500 may affect your property? Try out the zoning look up tool to compare existing and proposed zones. Access the tool by clicking on the map icon below.
Document Library
- Public Hearing
- Draft Bylaw 2500 3rd Reading
- Draft Bylaw 2500 for 2nd Reading
Draft Bylaw 2500 at 1st Reading
- Draft Zoning Bylaw Part 1 to 4.pdf (9.68 MB) (pdf)
- Draft Zoning Bylaw Part 5 and 6.pdf (4.49 MB) (pdf)
- Map Schedule 3A - Electoral Area A (3.4 MB) (pdf)
- Map Schedule 3A - Electoral Area C (5.12 MB) (pdf)
- Map Schedule 3A - Electoral Area E (3.48 MB) (pdf)
- Map Schedule 3A - Electoral Area G (4.09 MB) (pdf)
- Map Schedule 3A - Electoral Area H (1 of 2) (3.16 MB) (pdf)
- Map Schedule 3A - Electoral Area H (2 of 2) (4.14 MB) (pdf)
- Map Schedule 3B - Category A Lots (4.44 MB) (pdf)
- Marked Up Version of Draft Bylaw No. 2500 (36.6 MB) (pdf)
Staff Reports and Notices
- Addendum at 3rd Reading (327 KB) (pdf)
- Third Reading Report.pdf (9.15 MB) (pdf)
- Second Reading - September 24, 2024 (311 KB) (pdf)
- Second Reading - September 9, 2024.pdf (307 KB) (pdf)
- Second Reading Report - May 9, 2024 (9.13 MB) (pdf)
- Bylaw 2500 1st Reading Report December 7, 2023.pdf (81.1 MB) (pdf)
- Staff Report on First Draft - July 7, 2022 (426 KB) (pdf)
- Staff Report Project Update - February 3, 2022 (573 KB) (pdf)
- Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project Terms of Reference - March 10, 2020 (531 KB) (pdf)
- Notice of Open Houses (78.7 KB) (pdf)
Public Engagement Results
- What We Heard Summary - November 21, 2023 (18.8 MB) (pdf)
- Comments from Public Sessions November 2022.pdf (229 KB) (pdf)
- Survey Results - July 7, 2022 EASC (341 KB) (pdf)
- Public Engagement Highlights - January 17, 2022 (324 KB) (pdf)
- General Bylaw Updates Engagement Summary (217 KB) (pdf)
- Building Height Engagement Summary (402 KB) (pdf)
- Food Trucks Engagement Summary (188 KB) (pdf)
- Horne Lake Comprehensive Development Engagement Summary (182 KB) (pdf)
- Home-based business Engagement Summary (166 KB) (pdf)
- Landscaping Engagement Summary (160 KB) (pdf)
- Off-street Parking Engagement Summary (303 KB) (pdf)
- Secondary Suites Engagement Summary (254 KB) (pdf)
- Signs Engagement Summary (266 KB) (pdf)
- Setbacks Engagement Summary (313 KB) (pdf)
- Structures Engagement Summary (264 KB) (pdf)
- Zone Consolidation Engagement Summary (174 KB) (pdf)
- Background Information
- Open House
- Marked up Version of Draft Bylaw 2500 - September 24, 2024 (33.3 MB) (pdf)
Questions related to draft Bylaw 2500
- Does Bylaw 2500 allow shipping containers?
- How is draft Bylaw 2500 organized?
- What are the most significant changes included in Bylaw 2500, and what is the supporting rationale?
- I have an active development application submitted with the planning department, how will the transition to Bylaw 2500 affect my application?
- I have heard about provincial Bill 44 - 2023 Housing Statutes Amendment Act. What is it and how will it affect Bylaw 2500?
- General questions
- Questions related to participation in the Project
- Questions about project purpose and background.
- Questions about Bylaw 500 (current zoning bylaw)
- Questions about how the transition from Bylaw 500 to Bylaw 2500 affects development applications
Phase One Process
Research Stage
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageResearch will be conducted into best practices and possible ideas for addressing each focus area. Targeted stakeholder interviews will also be conducted.
Option Development
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageOptions for addressing each focus area will be drafted and refined.
Public Input Stage
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageOnce draft options for addressing the focus areas have been prepared, the public will be invited to provide input on the draft options before the preparation of an amendment bylaw.
Report to EASC
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageA report outlining the potential approaches to addressing the focus areas and a recommended public participation plan will be presented to the Electoral Area Services Committee.
Draft Amendment
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageThe draft options will be refined into a draft bylaw in the form of an updated zoning bylaw.
Community Input Phase
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageSeek input from stakeholders and community of the draft zoning bylaw.
Bylaw Introduction
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageThe draft zoning amendment bylaw will be presented to the Regional Board for 1st reading.
Public Engagement
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageFollowing 1st reading by the Regional Board, the RDN will seek community input on the draft Bylaw.
Bylaw Refinement
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageThe bylaw will be refined in response to community feedback and further staff review.
Consideration of 2nd Reading
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageThe updated bylaw will be considered for 2nd reading.
Public Hearing
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageA public hearing will be held.
Consideration of 3rd Reading
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project has finished this stageThe Board will consider 3rd reading of the amendment bylaw.
Bylaw Adoption
Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project is currently at this stageThe Board will consider adopting the draft amendment bylaw. If adopted, the result will be an updated zoning bylaw.
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