Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project

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The Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project is a targeted review and update to address known problems and to improve bylaw components that are unclear, inconsistent, or are challenging to administer or enforce. The outcome will be a new zoning bylaw with a new look and feel and a new bylaw number. Check out our FAQ section about what areas were focused on in the review.

It is proposed that draft Bylaw 2500 replace Bylaw 500. The first working version of draft Bylaw 2500 has been available for public review and comment since August 2022. Since then, the Bylaw has been updated based on community input, legal review, and further staff refinement. Please refer to the document library to review the draft bylaw and related documents.

Introducing Draft Bylaw 2500

Bylaw 2500 has a modernized look and feel and has been significantly reorganized. To review what is changing in Bylaw 2500 review the marked up version of the bylaw available in the document library and visit the FAQ section to learn more about the draft Bylaw 2500.

How can I get involved and learn more?

There are a number of ways to learn more and get involved in the project including:

  • Attend the upcoming public hearing on Monday, November 4 and Thursday, November 7, 2024 - visit the document library for the public hearing notice or the events more information
  • Subscribe to this page to receive notifications of news and updates by clicking on follow project
  • Visit the document library and the FAQ section to learn more about the project background, public engagement results and to view the draft Bylaw 2500
  • Share your question below and we will provide an answer
  • Contact the project team directly at:

Want to learn more about how the proposed changes may affect your property?

Try the Proposed Zoning Map by clicking here or by clicking on the map image to the right. Once opened use your 9 digit PID number or address in the map search bar (located in the upper lefthand corner of the map) to view the current and proposed zoning excerpts that apply to your parcel. To access zoning information in the map tool, look for the (click here) link beside the zone in the blue property information bar on the right side of the map window as shown below.

The Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project is a targeted review and update to address known problems and to improve bylaw components that are unclear, inconsistent, or are challenging to administer or enforce. The outcome will be a new zoning bylaw with a new look and feel and a new bylaw number. Check out our FAQ section about what areas were focused on in the review.

It is proposed that draft Bylaw 2500 replace Bylaw 500. The first working version of draft Bylaw 2500 has been available for public review and comment since August 2022. Since then, the Bylaw has been updated based on community input, legal review, and further staff refinement. Please refer to the document library to review the draft bylaw and related documents.

Introducing Draft Bylaw 2500

Bylaw 2500 has a modernized look and feel and has been significantly reorganized. To review what is changing in Bylaw 2500 review the marked up version of the bylaw available in the document library and visit the FAQ section to learn more about the draft Bylaw 2500.

How can I get involved and learn more?

There are a number of ways to learn more and get involved in the project including:

  • Attend the upcoming public hearing on Monday, November 4 and Thursday, November 7, 2024 - visit the document library for the public hearing notice or the events more information
  • Subscribe to this page to receive notifications of news and updates by clicking on follow project
  • Visit the document library and the FAQ section to learn more about the project background, public engagement results and to view the draft Bylaw 2500
  • Share your question below and we will provide an answer
  • Contact the project team directly at:

Want to learn more about how the proposed changes may affect your property?

Try the Proposed Zoning Map by clicking here or by clicking on the map image to the right. Once opened use your 9 digit PID number or address in the map search bar (located in the upper lefthand corner of the map) to view the current and proposed zoning excerpts that apply to your parcel. To access zoning information in the map tool, look for the (click here) link beside the zone in the blue property information bar on the right side of the map window as shown below.

  • Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Electoral Area Services Committee and Board for Consideration of 1st Reading

    Share Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Electoral Area Services Committee and Board for Consideration of 1st Reading on Facebook Share Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Electoral Area Services Committee and Board for Consideration of 1st Reading on Twitter Share Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Electoral Area Services Committee and Board for Consideration of 1st Reading on Linkedin Email Draft Bylaw 2500 Proceeds to Electoral Area Services Committee and Board for Consideration of 1st Reading link
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    Draft Bylaw 2500 is proceeding to the Electoral Area Services Committee on December 7, 2023 for consideration of a recommendation for 1st reading. The Regional Board is scheduled to consider the draft Bylaw on January 9, 2024. Please visit the Document Library to review the staff report and draft bylaw.

  • Summary of Virtual Public Meetings Now Available

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    A written summary of the virtual public meetings is now available in the document library.

  • Draft Zoning Bylaw 2500 Available for Public Review

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    The first working draft of Bylaw 2500 is available for public review. Formal public engagement will be initiated following the general civic election in October. If you have any questions about the draft, please contact us by email to

  • Discussion and Options Papers Now Available

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    The RDN Board received the Discussion and Options Papers and approved the Public Engagement Plan Highlights at its February 22, 2022 meeting. These documents are now available in the Documents Library.

    It is noted that the previous version of the discussion papers have been removed for the document library as the newest versions build upon the previous content and now identify potential changes to Bylaw 500.

  • Discussion Papers Available

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    A series of discussion papers has been posted to the Document Library. The purpose of the discussion papers is to provide background information and to identify questions for further discussion on a number of key focus areas. If you have any questions about the papers, please feel free to contact us.

  • Project Overview

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    Bylaw 500 Review and Update Project - Three Phases to Achieve an Updated Modern Bylaw

    The Bylaw 500 Review and Update project includes three phases as follows:

    Phase 1: Clarification and Housekeeping (Current Phase)

    The purpose of this phase is a targeted review to address known problems with the bylaw and to improve bylaw components that are unclear, inconsistent, or are challenging to administer or enforce. A series of specific focus areas guide this phase. This phase will result in an updated bylaw with a fresh new look and feel.

    Phase 2: Housing (Green Buildings and Affordability) and Land Use Contracts

    Building on phase 1, phase 2 focuses on updating the bylaw with respect to encouraging green building and housing affordability. Also, this phase will review Land Use Contracts as they are set to expire in concordance with the Local Government Act.

    Phase 3: Other

    Phase 3 is intended to address the important, but less critical, components of the bylaw such as campground regulation update, park zoning and mobile home park regulations and standards, Phase 3 is also an opportunity to address issues that were not addressed in previous phases.

Page last updated: 13 Dec 2024, 09:20 AM