Links to Resources to Keep you Active
- ACRA's Holiday Activity Challenges (External link)
- ParticipAction (External link)
- Active for Life (External link)
- How to Teach Your child to Ride a Bike (External link)
- Society of Organized Services - child, youth, adult and family programs (External link)
- Polar Bear Swim Tips from Red Cross (External link)
- Family Literacy - Get Outside (External link)
- Active for Life’s summer “day camp” — at home (External link)
- Canadian Men's Health Month (External link)
- Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council (External link)
- BCRPA Virtual Fitness Classes (External link)
- Active Aging Canada (External link)
- Town of Qualicum Beach Age-Friendly Walking and Cycling Loops Map (External link)
- 10 tips to Connect Children to the Outdoors (External link)
- RDN Fitness Walking Handbook (External link)
- National Indigenous Peoples Day is celebrated on June 21. (External link)
- OBLT - Oceanside Building Learning Together (External link)
- AdventureSmart “Get informed and go outdoors” (External link)
- Red Cross Water Safety - Cold water, backyard pools and more (External link)
- Be a Citizen Scientist with the inaturalist app (External link)
- JumpStart Play at home (External link)
- Arrowsmith Recreation Association Preschool Games (External link)
- Qualicum Beach Seniors Centre (External link)
- Byte Camp Activities (Free) (External link)
- Exploring Food: At Home Learning Plans and Resources from Vancouver Coastal Health (External link)
- Physical and Health Education (PHE) Canada instructional videos (External link)
- Dance at Home - Kids: Canada's National Ballet (External link)
- Protect Kids Online (External link)
- Foundry offers ages 12-24 health and wellness resources (External link)
- BC Healthy Child Development Alliance (External link)
- Programs and Services for Seniors (External link)
- Street Wise Cycling Online (External link)
- Choose To Move - Get Active(External link)